High-end shopping centre M8 set to open in downtown Macau [Inside Retail] Macau’s new M8 shopping centre is scheduled to open downtown in September, targeting the mid-to-high-end market. The 80,000sqft mall features six shopping floors and its anchor tenant will be DFS, which will offer a curated selection of more than 120 local and international brands in watches, beauty products, food, and gifts.
Saks Fifth Avenue in San Francisco Shifts to Appointment-only Shopping [WWD] Saks Fifth Avenue, in an unprecedented maneuver, is switching its San Francisco department store to an appointment-only format. The switch, which happens on Aug. 28, comes amid a string of recent store closings in San Francisco due to crime, and declining sales, traffic and occupancy. Saks San Francisco and other stores including Neiman Marcus have been hit by snatch-and-grab robberies in the past, but Saks is not giving up on the city.
Hanes Outlet and Maidenform stores acquired by Hilco division [Chain Store Age] HanesBrands continues to shrink its brick-and-mortar portfolio. Hilco Consumer-Retail has acquired the operations for HanesBrands’ Outlet and Maidenform stores, effective July 27. The financial terms of the transaction were not revealed. Hilco did not respond to inquiries as to how many stores were involved in the deal.