The AI-driven chatbot wars continue to heat up with the latest entrant from Anthropic called Claude 3. The company claims that its souped-up version, Claude 3 Opus, outperformed OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Google’s Gemini Ultra. The consumer-facing chatbot is always going to get the media attention, but advancements like this are quickly finding applications in the enterprise software vertical. The model claims it can summarize up to about 150,00 words (think: around the length range of “Moby Dick”), plus images, charts and other unstructured data, so you can quickly start to imagine the business applications for it. Now if the people naming these software platforms can work on making it a little more intuitive! It’s like we’re back in the days when Microsoft had 75 word titles for their boxed software. Windows NT Workstation Pro anyone?
In other news, another big box is joining Walmart to offer a subscription. Target is ramping up its membership offerings with a $99 annual subscription called Target Circle 360 providing free shipping and expedited online orders. This is pretty much a table-stakes move for them in competing with Amazon for the same and next-day e-commerce market.
And our old friends at Westfield may not be exiting the U.S. While most of the people have changed since we worked there, Westfield still has some of the best assets in the U.S. We’re obviously biased, but we’d like to see them stick around a bit longer. One of their main competitors in the U.S. market is making a $400 million bet that the mall is going to be much more than just shopping.
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